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Published Essays

An Experiment on Agency, Common Thread of Artistic Connectivity, Fontys University of the Arts in collaboration with Research Catalouge. (Expected publication in Spring 2024)

Be My Guest, Parallax 2018-2020, (ed.) Pawel Mendrek, Martin Newth, April 2022 [ISBN 978-1-84102-456-1]

Mapping in-Between: An Imaginative Exploration into the Curatorial Aspect of an Unrealized Artistic Project, Manifesto (Online Publication) Wendy Network, December 2021

A Landscape of Absence: Reflections on Participatory Installation during a pandemic, At This Point, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2021, pp. 169-180.

On the Political Dimension of Artistic Practices: a Conversation with Elín Hafsteinsdóttir, with Gloria López-Cleries and Alexandra Papademetriou, At This Point, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2021, pp. 9-20.

Retexture; traces of tradition and contemporary concerns in collaboration, Konesh Space Journal, Vol. 2, London, UK, April 2020, pp. 25-32.

The Installation art, physical presence and collective space, Aftabnet Journal, Iran, November 2020. (In Farsi)



Between Affinity and Rupture: Tracing Bubbles, Mirjahani, R. (editor), Papademetriou, A. (co-editor), Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing, Stockholm, September 2023 [ISBN: 978-91-89270-68-8]

Gullbrandstorp: för Framtidsbild 2050, Mirjahani, R. (editor), Self-published in collaboration with Halmstad Municipality, June 2022